Praise Report!
Just wanted to thank you for your comments, thoughts,
and prayers. To no surprise, it does appear the
prayers worked. Our girl should be coming home tomorrow.
Her kidney seems to be doing great. It appears it
was just a viral infection, but she is doing much better.
The problem comes because her lungs didn't develop
all the way, she had RSV when she was younger, and
also has asthma. When anything respiratory happens
she has a hard time breathing.
Thank you Lord for having your hand on Isabella
and protecting her. Thank you for hearing our prayers.
Please pray for my girl!

My princess Bella is right now as a type on her way to Portland in a life flight. She was having a lot of problems breathing and her white count is up which means she is fighting some kind of infection.
Please pray for her and her parents.
Especailly my sister -Jessica.
She is with her.
What are friends for:

My best-friend Sheri
who now lives in Hillsboro.
Don't worry hun, I won't hurt you too bad for
posting my profile on e-harmony.
I've missed you too much!

Here's what my
sister really looks like.
Laura, hurry home.

This is Laura, believe
it or not. I can't quite
remember what she
was last year.
November Already!
Ok, is it just me or does it seem like this year has gone by faster than previous ones. Maybe it was because I havebeen on the go constantly this year. With the exceptionof my recovery time.I have been back at work for a month now. Still learningmy new position. I think it is going to be a great change for me. One improvement is phones don't talk back.Well not yet anyway! Hopefully they never do.For those of you who work in customer service you knowwhat I am talking about. I still get out to the floorto greet our customers but it is a big change.I am so glad to be back working with Gen Church. I didn't realize how much I missed it. We have a great group of kids, and a wonderful staffwho isn't afraid of change.One great thing about the Holiday's coming up is I get to see friends and family who have moved away. A shout out to my best friend Sheri, can'twait to see you, and catch up. I miss you like crazy!Also to my sister Laura who is up in Maple Valleyat GL. It just hasn't been the same without you.Looking forward to seeing you!
Who can forget our princess!

This year she loved her pom pom.

Last year she was in her cast and
still managed to have a good time.
Where did my sweet boys go?

This year: Ninja's

Last year: Brandon and Aaron
were a pirate and a fireman.
What a group!

Here's all of us together.
Servant's heart

Matt, Jamie and Leah serving our wonderful enchiladas.
Last Year's Young Adult Bash
I thought I would share some great picturesof last yearsprogressive dinner. We as a youngadult group had a great time,dressing up andeating some really good food.
Although most didn't dress up too much, therewere a few of us that went out of way to be different from all the rest. That's me as a punk rocker, Justin as a woman,and Jamie as a princess