My New Home!!

My New Apartment!!
It's a small complex,about 30 units.
But a really nice large 1 bedroom.
It's got a beautiful little neighborhood.
Hopefully soon I can get out and enjoy it.
There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!!
Well it's offical I am now in my apartment. I know I have no pics,
but when you leave at dark, and get home at dark, it kind of defeats
the purpose.
I loved sleeping in my own bed. I mean the things we take for
granted some times. The first night in my apartment, I had to go out
to Wal-Mart and buy a shower curtain, because I didn't have one.
I have purchased my first piece of furniture, a very comfy recliner.
It will be delivered next week. I will actually be able to sit
on something, not my bed, boxes, or the floor.
Once I get that in then I can see what other furniture I can fit in
there. I also bought a T.V. but it is still in the box, because I
just haven't had time to set it up yet.
Still traveling back and forth between the stores constatly, but I
will be able to come home and visit for a few days soon. I will be
home Nov 9 for the weekend. Hope to see all of you there!
Happy 3rd Birthday Bella!!

My miracle girl is three tomorrow. She is getting so
big and doing so good. She is pulling up things, and
talks all the time. She say's Praise the Lord and
it is so cute!
I miss her so much!! It has been a year since the kidney transplant,
and she is doing so well. If anyone ever doubts all they have to
do is look at her, and they will see miracles really happen!
A Place to call Home!!
Well it only took a month, but it's official. I have an address. I am so excited, because it means I can finally sleep in my own bed. I still have to move in, I pick up the keys tomorrow.
So I finally get out of a hotel, for a couple of nights at least.
Still doing lots of traveling and that is wearing me out.
I don't know if I will make it home or not. I am supposed to be home
towards the end of the month, the arrangements are made, but we are
without staff in one of our stores, and it is very possible that we
might not make it.
I took my 5 HOUR Management Assessment. Can you believe that?
It was really intense, and now I have to wait for over a week for results.
I have no idea how I did. But I will be sure to let everyone know when I do.