Friday, December 30, 2005

Family Time

Well this year has come and gone, but my favorite
time of the year is the Holiday's. I love spending time
with my family. As you can see from some of these
pictures, we had a great time. The kids were spoiled
as usual. Bella had a great time! John was very entertaining.

It certainly was not the same without my sister Laura.
We missed you girl, but I hope you had a good time,
and you enjoy these pictures.

Wishing you all a great New Year's. I can't believe we
are going into 2006, may it be a wonderful year for all
of you. I know I am looking forward to seeing where
the Lord takes me this year!

Pucker Up!

That is a
santa hat!

How cool are we?

Here I come ladies

John was showing off his new suit for us. He kept saying the ladies wouldn't be able to resist him.

Christmas Story Time

Brandon was so cute, he
read the entire Christmas
story out of the Bible.
My do they grow up quick!

Bottle For Baby!

Ooooh A Rocker!

Bella and Blue

No one could touch her Blue!

GC Staff Christmas Party

Thanks for the great time guys!!

Papaw's Girl
