It's Mine!

She loved her puppy and didn't want to give it up.

She tried a bite, but still is not sure about this food thing.

She was so excited to open presents this year!

Here is her Princess cake. She loved it!
Miracles Do Happen!!
It's hard to believe 2 years ago today, we were wondering
if our little girl was going to make it through the night.
I remember hearing the reports of the doctors saying there
was just no chance. We would be lucky if she survived
a few hours.
When they brought her out of the delivery room,
there were about 10 of us standing in the hall.
We asked if we could pray over her. We all gathered
in and asked the Lord to protect our girl and give
us a miracle.
That is what He did. She had so many problems that
they said she would never live a normal life.
Between under developed lungs,only one non functioning
kidney, a dislocated hip, hardly any bladder,and a few
other things this little girl is truly a miracle.
Now 13 surgeries later, including a kidney transplant,
she is a happy 2 year old. She loves her dolls,
reading books, watching Veggies and Cinderella "Rella"
is what she calls it. Although she is still not walking
or crawling because she was in a cast for 18 weeks after
her hip surgery, she loves to scoot on her bottom, and
turn herself around. It's a really cute thing to see.
Someone's 2 Today!

Bella's Birthday is today, but she had her
party last Saturday.
My Russia Journey
Jim, Kyle and I went to Russia in January of 04.It was an amazing three weeks. For those of you who knowJim you know he has a heart for Russia. He hasbeen to Russia over 25 times.We went to a place called Novoskibirsk, ministered to the church, and their Bible College. We stayed with host families, and got to witness some amazing things.I couldn't believe how everything is so different. For instance..they don't live in houses, they live in apartments. Most anythingyou want to buy is behind glass. Including stuff like Advil.It is winter there about 9 months out of the year, and as youcan see from the pictures, there winter is extremly COLD!Later I will post more pictures of some of the things they have.Transportation, Snow Sculptures, and some people we met.Something to look forward to anyway. Jenni hope you enjoy.
Jim Anderson's Favorite Spot
This is the most amazing building in Red Square.It is called The Kremlin, and is a must see.It is so full of color. It's the best place for a picture.For those of you who know Jim, I am sure you can tellthat he truly looks Russian in this picture.
More of Red Square

This is a picture of just some of the views you can
see in Red Square. It looks so beautiful with the snow.
Red Square

This is a picture of Red Square in Moscow.
Believe me this picture does not do the color justice.
I have never seen a red like this one.
It's amazing!