Here is my girl. Isn't she precious?
My Favorite Picture-I took it!!

This is a picture that I took in Siberia. I went with Jim Anderson and Kyle Winter for those of you who know them. I loved this picture so much that I entered it into a contest. It did get published, but it didn't win. By the way it is really COLD in Siberia in January.

I forgot to mention for those of you who know Kylethat is him in the picture, but it just looks like his silhouette.I think that is part of what makes it so great.

This is my sister Jessica and my brother-in-law Shane with Isabella. This is from a picture that was posted in the our local news paper.
What a ham!

This picture is an example of her personality. She was going for a wagon ride around the hospital. She is ham! Here favorite phrase is "Hey Baby!" She always said it to the doctors when they would come in.
Here is my princess!

Here is a picture of me and my little princess Bella a week after surgery.
I finally made it to the blog world!
Well for those of you who have been on me for months to set up a blog, here you go. I did it. I have had plenty of time on my hands since I have been recovering from surgery for the last 5 wks. For those of you who don't know, I donated my kindney to my neice Isabella Grace who will be 2 next week. We are both doing well. As I get the hang of this thing I will post more about it, and try to put some pictures on it.